Simplifies the diagnostic by professionals / researchers.
What can RetmarkerAMD offer?
AMD Research is used for the assisted grading of fundus images from patients with Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
Advantages of
RetmarkerAMD Research
Significant Time Savings
at least 35% faster according to preliminary studies
Reduces risk of error on lesion area calculation
Improves Graders’ effectiveness
Allows multimodal analysis of retinal images
Produces standardized and detailed records in Excel format that allow easy data mining and statistical analysis
RetmarkerAMD is a reliable and consistent semiautomated grading tool for AMD
RetmarkerAMD validation may prompt its use both in clinical studies and in clinical trials
Marques, J.P. et al. "Validation of RetmarkerAMD as a semiautomatic grading software for AMD." Nature: Eye (2019)
RetmarkerAMD multi-image viewer tool enhances a multimodal analysis, mandatory for RPD detection
Presence of RPD is associated with increased long-term risk of progression
J Q Gil et al. "Clinical features and long-term progression of reticular pseudodrusen in AMD: findings from a multicenter cohort", Nature: Eye (2017) 31, 364–371
RetmarkerAMD was used to try to find predictive parameters of conversion from early AMD to wet AMD in a 3-year follow-up study
Silva R et al. "AMD and Risk Factors for the Development of Choroidal Neovascularisation in the Fellow Eye: A 3-Year Follow-Up Study", Ophthalmologica 2011; 226, no. 3: 110-118
“This new tools allows for a faster and more precise way to conduct a detailed analysis of the lesions associated with the early and late forms of Age-related Maculopathy. It promotes the creation of a broad basis for the assertive discussion on the prognostic values of different lesions found on this disease.”
Principal Investigator of the Centre for Clinical Trials (CEC) at AIBILI